How to Fit a Solar Power System to Your Motorhome

Published: March, 2023. Updated: March, 2024.

Fitting a Solar Power System and Inverter to Your Motorhome.

Are you looking to make your motorhome more self-sufficient and energy-efficient?

Fitting a solar power system and inverter can provide you with a reliable source of electricity while on the road. It makes going off-grid easy!

Follow this guide, alongside our Part 1, Part 2 and Part 3 YouTube films on how to fit a solar power system to your motorhome, to help you through the process:

Step 1: Assess Your Power Needs

Start by evaluating your power consumption needs. Calculate the total wattage of the appliances and devices you plan to use in your motorhome. Consider both daily and occasional usage. This will help you determine the size of the solar panels and battery bank required for your setup.

Step 2: Gather Your Materials

  • For a basic solar power system, you'll need:
  • Solar panels (monocrystalline or polycrystalline)
  • Charge controller (MPPT or PWM)
  • Deep cycle batteries (AGM or lithium-ion)
  • Inverter (pure sine wave for sensitive electronics)
  • Cables and connectors (high-quality, weather-resistant)
  • Mounting hardware (secure and durable)
  • Tools (screwdriver, wrench, drill, etc.)

Step 3: Install the Solar Panels

Mount the solar panels on the roof of your motorhome using the provided hardware. Ensure they are positioned to receive maximum sunlight exposure throughout the day. Keep in mind potential shading from roof structures or accessories. Connect the panels in series or parallel, depending on your system voltage requirements.

Step 4: Connect the Charge Controller

Attach the charge controller to the battery bank and connect it to the solar panels. The charge controller regulates the power flowing from the panels to prevent overcharging the batteries. Opt for an MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) controller for increased efficiency and better performance in low-light conditions.

Step 5: Install the Battery Bank

Set up the deep cycle batteries in a well-ventilated and secure compartment within your motorhome. Connect the batteries in the correct series or parallel configuration, as specified by the manufacturer. Make sure to use appropriate battery cables with proper gauge and insulation to minimize energy loss and ensure safety.

Step 6: Add the Inverter

Mount the inverter in a convenient and well-ventilated location. Connect the inverter to the battery bank and ensure the input and output connections are secure. Choose a pure sine wave inverter for sensitive electronics to ensure clean and stable power output. Consider installing an inverter remote control panel for easy monitoring and control.

Step 7: Test and Monitor

Before hitting the road, thoroughly test your solar power system to ensure everything is functioning correctly. Monitor the system's performance using the charge controller's display or a dedicated battery monitor. Keep an eye on battery levels and recharge the batteries using electric hook up or a generator if needed.

Tips for Optimising Your System

  • Clean your solar panels regularly to maintain optimal efficiency.
  • Use energy-efficient LED lighting and appliances to reduce power consumption.
  • Consider a solar panel tilting kit for adjusting panel angles based on the sun's position.
  • Invest in a surge protector to safeguard your electronics from power fluctuations.
  • Practice energy conservation by using power-hungry devices during peak sunlight hours.


By fitting a solar power system and inverter to your motorhome, you can enjoy the benefits of renewable energy while traveling. This setup provides you with the freedom to camp off-grid and reduce your reliance on traditional power sources. With careful planning, proper installation, and routine maintenance, you'll have a reliable and efficient energy solution for your motorhome adventures.

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Motorhome DIY - Fitting a Solar System Part 1

Watch episode 1 of our film on fitting a solar system and inverter to your motorhome.

Watch the film

Motorhome DIY - Fitting a Solar System Part 2

Watch episode 2 of our film on fitting a solar system and inverter to your motorhome.

Watch the film

Motorhome DIY - Fitting a Solar System Part 3

Watch episode 3 of our film on fitting a solar system and inverter to your motorhome.

Watch the film